Failure To Launch

Failure To Launch

Blurred Vision

Why do we fail to launch? Or, to ask it another way, why do we fail to initiate our God-given mission? One reason might be because we succumbed to spiritual nearsightedness, the inability to focus on that which is distant because your focus is always on that which is closest. This condition can be debilitating as evidenced by the life story of Israel’s first king, Saul. How did Saul suffer from spiritual nearsightedness and why did it prevent him from…

Great Expectations

Why do we fail to launch? Or, to ask it another way, why do we fail to initiate our God-given mission? One reason might be because we possess unrealistic or unfulfilled expectations. Such appears to be the case with the most notorious character in all of scripture. What do we know about Judas and how might his expectations affected his decision to betray Jesus? More importantly, how might our expectations prevent us from launching like Judas? Sermon Handout 14 Then one…

Don’t Get Comfortable

Don’t Get Comfortable (Handout) Why do we fail to launch? Or, to ask it another way, why do we fail to initiate our God-given mission? One reason might be because we have settled into a comfort zone, a figurative place or situation in which we operate with ease, feel safe, and experience minimal discomfort. Today we will examine three instances in Scripture where comfort zones were hindrances and from them discover what makes comfort zones so dangerous to our mission.…

Man On The Run

Sermon Handout Why do we fail to launch? Or, to ask it another way, why do we fail to initiate our God-given mission? One reason might be because we disagree with the assignment. Such appears to be the case with Jonah. Jonah is the notorious prophet who said, “No,” when God said, “Go.” But why did Jonah refuse to go? Today we will examine the motivations behind Jonah’s failure to launch in hopes that we won’t make the same mistake.…

No More Excuses

Sermon Handout Why do we fail to launch? Or, to ask it another way, why do we fail to initiate our God-given mission? One reason might be because we have accepted the practice of excuse making. In this regard we are not unlike Moses who offered multiple excuses as to why he should not go to Egypt. Today, we will investigate God’s calling of Moses so that we might realize that there should be no more excuses. 10 Then Moses said…


The word launch simply means “to start [something] or [to] set [something] in motion.” Ultimately, when we think about launching something, we tend to think about the beginning of some campaign, effort, or mission. As a result, most of the ways in which we use “launching” terminology connotes something that is adventurous, something that is challenging, something that may be even a little risky. However, that same terminology also carries with it the hope, the potential, the expectation of a…